The Healing Forest

Forest Therapy & Community Wellbeing in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan & Beyond

The Four Ways a Healing Forest can offer Solutions

Our Team is Certifying Forests and Shorelines Dedicated to Trauma Recovery

1. Healing Survivors to become Thrivers

Become a Cycle Breaker of Generational Trauma

We offer Trauma Focused Care, Forest Therapy, Digital Detox, Tools in Emotional & Spiritual Sobriety

Fostering Healthy Growth

2. Healing Forests are Healing Communities

Fostering Healthy Growth on a Regional Level

Taking the Next Right Step…Together.

3. Healing Forests are Being Healed, Restored, & Cultivated by Healing Hands

Stewarding the Land

We don’t own the earth, we are her guardians and stewards

Honoring the Anishinaabeg

4. A Healing Forest Heals Historical Trauma

Honoring our Ancestors

Walking Together in a Good Way

Healing People, Community, & Land

A place of refuge for you, your clients, and team.

Guided Forest Therapy & Hosting for…

Individuals, Families & Friends

Health Professionals & Their Clients

Professional Teams, Faculty, Staff, & Students

12-Step Fellowships, Faith Communities